Call For Papers

Authors are kindly invited to submit their abstracts to the congress web page. The abstract text should be approximately 400 words. Up to five keywords should be provided together with the abstract. 

The official language of the congress is English. After the acceptance of abstracts, the authors will be invited to submit their full paper. Instructions for paper preparations are as follows.

Writing Instructions

WORD Template

Full papers will be peer-reviewed before acceptance, and the congress proceedings will be published by CRC Taylor and Francis Group. 

Selected papers will be published in the SCI-E indexed journal, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment.

You can submit your abstract through the submission system below.

Submission System

Video Preparation for Online Participants

If you are online participant, you are kindly asked to prepare a video presentation of your paper.  The video presentation is strictly limited to 20 minutes. A short information on how to prepare a video presentation using Zoom platform, and also zoom user guide are provided in the links below. The videos should be sent to the conference email address of, at the latest by September 12, 2022.

Following the video presentation of your paper, you are expected to answer the questions from the participants. This discussion period will be maximum 10 minutes. Therefore, you should be present in the conference during the video presentation of your paper.

Zoom Video Preparation Guide

Zoom User Guide